Youth Choir Maska – St. Mary’s Church
Mixed choir “MASKA”, founded in 2000 by its conductor Jānis Ozols is one of the best mixed amateur choirs in Latvia. The choir is unique by its ability to perform not only in the frame of classical music, but also introduce creative innovations.
Since early days the choir has shown itself as an ambitious and creative collective, while actively performing in Latvia as well as achieving international recognition in choir competitions and festivals.
Choir’s repertoire covers a vast range – from sacral and classical to folk and contemporary music. An essential part of the choir’s repertoire is composed by Laura Jekabsone – choir-master of “Maska”, world-wide known also as leader of the vocal group “Latvian Voices”. Also composers Renate Stivrina, Janis Sipkevics, Vestards Simkus and Rihards Zalupe have dedicated their compositions to the choir.
“Maska” has released two music albums – “7 Stories of the Gospel of Thomas” (2010), music composed by Rihards Zaļupe and performed with “Xylem Trio” and “WINTER” (2015), including music composed by Laura Jekabsone performed together with the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra string group, pianist Aurelija Simkus, guitar virtuoso Gints Smukais and kokle ensemble “Balti”.
Conductor: Jānis Ozols
Latvian folk song – Tumša nakte, zaļa zāle
Pēteris Plakidis (1947–2017) – Tavas saknes, tavā zemē, text by Vizma Belševica
Lūcija Garūta (1902–1977) – Mūsu Tēvs (Our Lord prayer)
Jāzeps Mediņš (1877–1947) – Vasaras vakars, text by Aspazija
Rihards Dubra (*1964) – Duo Seraphim, text from Isaiah 6: 2-3; 1 John 5: 7
Jāzeps Vītols (1863–1948) – Gaismas pils, text by Auseklis
Adolfs Skulte (1909–2000) – Klusi klausos, text by Rainis
Laura Jēkabsone (*1985) – Father Thunder, Latvian folk song
Ēriks Ešenvalds (*1977) – Only in Sleep, text by Sarah Teasdale
Laura Jēkabsone – Div, Dūjiņas, text by Lidija Kalcenava
Ēriks Ešenvalds – Stars, text by Sarah Teasdale