A8 Happy Baroque!, B5 Composers Conducting
St John’s Church / FREE admission
A8 Happy Baroque! programme:
Vivaldi – Magnificat, Et misericordia, Fecit potentiam & Et deposuit from Magnificat (RV610)
Handel – Recall, O King; Sing, O ye heav’ns from Belshazzar
Purcell – Now join your warbling voices all; Sing while we trip it from The Fairy Queen; To the hills and the vales from Dido an Aeneas
J.S. Bach – Chorales (selection):
Dein Will gescheh, Durch dein Gefängnis,
Ich will hier bei dir stehen,
Jesu meines Herzens Freud, O gosse Lieb
B5 Composers Conducting programme:
Pärt Uusberg:
Ave Maria
Alma redemptoris Mater
Luiged läevad…
Kõik muutub lauluks
Olen kui linnuke
Ulrika Emanuelsson:
Arctic Elements
Integer Vitae
Snöklanger med stavelser
Veni, Emmanuel