YEMP4 received a record number of applications!

The fourth edition of the Young Event Management Programme of EUROPA CANTAT festival received 55 applications from 26different countries all over the world. As only 25 young managers will be accepted, this amount of applications exceeded all expectations and set a new record among the four editions of YEMP.
Among the 25 chosen YEMPers there are 6 male and 19 female young managers from 19 different countries. “The decision was difficult to make as every applicant had their own unique traits and strengths. However, I am confident that we have a good selection of young people who will help the team and contribute to the festival a lot” says Kristiina Veerde, member of the festival team and YEMP election committee.
In this edition, 5 young people from outside the choral field will join the YEMP group through STAMP – Shared Training Activities for Music Professionals.
The selected participants come to Tallinn from July 21st to participate in the training programme and join the team of the festival.