Early Bird registration is extended to January 7th 2018!

The deadline for the Early Bird registration is extended until January 7th 2018!
This means that everyone who is applying for the festival until January 7th does not have to pay the extra 20 EUR and will be guaranteed a place in one of the ateliers you’ve chosen. 

The additional 20 EUR will be added for applications and not payed forms from January 8th 2018!

Application for YEMP4 is open!

Read the programme description below, the FAQ on www.ectallinn2018.ee -> Programme -> YEMP4 and if you feel YEMP is something for you, apply online!

What is YEMP?

„YEMP is a fantastic opportunity to meet other like-minded arts enthusiasts from around the world” – Cathy (UK, participant of YEMP 2)
“So much more than a programme: great time, great opportunity, GIORNI FELICI!” – Iva (Serbia, YEMP 2 and Youth committee)
“A life- time experience!” – Nora (Sweden, YEMP 2)

YEMP is a two-week training course including lectures and training on the job. After a selection process 25 young people from different countries will be invited to participate in the programme. The young YEMPers, fully included in the organising team, will be testing themselves with roles of responsibility in the various offices of the festival, under the guidance of two coaches.

YEMP is open for young managers aged 18 to 30, who are motivated to learn and to develop their skills in international event management and who can communicate in English. Choral background is desirable, but not necessary.

The plan of the training course

• 20th July 2018: arrival in Tallinn
• 21st – 22nd July: lectures and workshops on management skills and preparing the festival
• 23rd July – 4th August: training on the job for the final preparation and organisation of the festival EUROPA CANTAT with the support from two coaches:
• 23rd – 26th July: preparation phase
• 27th July-4th August: Festival EUROPA CANTAT XX Tallinn 2018
The participants of the course will work in one of the departments of the festival, taking responsibilities in the field of music planning, concert organisation, information services, communication, production, etc.
• 5th August: evaluation meeting, exchange of information and experience, final coaching
• 6th August: departure

Participation is only possible in the full programme!

Participation conditions

Selected young managers do not need to pay a participation fee but will have to cover their travel expenses (except YEMPers selected in the frame of the STAMP project). Free food and accommodation will be provided by the festival.


Fill in the online form available on www.ectallinn2018.ee -> Programme – > YEMP 4 until 31st January, 2018.


Selected participants will be informed in February. To secure your place in YEMP we will require to get a copy of the flight /train/Bus ticket in advance of the festival.

Online preparation

Selected participants will be asked to deal with a number of online tasks in advance of the actual training course, between February and June 2018. This will include watching videos of Webinars offered in the frame of the STAMP project (see www.stamp-music.org). It will be obligatory to watch the Webinar on Networking and cooperation within Europe and beyond ECA-EC will offer in this context, and if you are planning to apply, you can also directly sign up to follow the Webinar live on Wednesday, December 13th at 15.00, or to any of the other Webinars offered until December 2017.
You can find the list of Webinars on http://stamp-music.org/schedule-of-webinars2/


YEMPers will be trained under the guidance and mentoring of two coaches. They will be available to help and to evaluate the work of young managers. The two coaches of YEMP4:

Réka Bálog (HU)

Chief programme manager & international executive of the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra in Pécs, South of Hungary. After her studies in Budapest, France and the Netherlands, Réka returned to her hometown, Pécs to manage international cultural events related to the Pécs 2010 – European Capital of Culture project. Later she became Festival Office manager of the EUROPA CANTAT 2015 Pécs festival. Since autumn 2015 Réka works for the Pannon Philharmonic, running the international tours and highlight projects of the orchestra.


Kaisa Lõhmus (EE)

Kaisa has studied choral conducting in the Tallinn Music High School and cultural management in University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy. She has been member of the organising teams of Tallinn Music Week, Viljandi Folk Music Festival and Estonian Song and Dance Celebration. Currently Kaisa is working at the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians as concert producer, at the International Music Day as program coordinator and at Collegium Educationis Revaliae as a choirmaster and manager of the Girls’ Choir of the Old Town Music House.

With any question considering YEMP you can contact: yemp@ectallinn2018.ee

Registation to EUROPA CANTAT XX Tallinn 2018 is OPEN!

You can register as a choir, a group or individually with a package deal (full festival, half festival or anniversary package) of participation on www.ectallinn2018.ee.

Application for day-by-day participation will open in March 2018.

The festival booklet is published!

The first booklet of EUROPA CANTAT XX Tallinn 2018 is now ready! 

The booklet contains general information about the upcoming festival like how to participate, fees and conditions and about the team, the location (Tallinn) and of course about some festival highlights.

The core of the booklet is the final atelier programme which this edition includes 44 different offers for children’s, girls’, boys’, mixed youth, female and mixed choirs and National Youth Choirs and offers a great variation of genres, styles and languages – from pop and jazz tunes to classical music and folk songs from all over the world!

The atelier programme will include ateliers with Bob Chilcott (B4: Can you hear me? for girls’ choir), Tõnu Kaljuste (C6 Pärt: Te deum for mixed choirs with orchestra), Daniel Reuss (D3: Works for Double and Triple Choir for National Youth Choirs), Anu Tali (A7: Kreekviem – Cyrillus Kreek “Requiem” for mixed choir and orchestra), Merel Martens (B6: Ladies rock! for female choir), Jānis Ozols (C5: Baltic Music of Today for youth mixed choirs) and many more. 

You can check the programme also on the webpage under Programme -> Ateliers for singers (the page will be continuously updated!). 

You can read and download the booklet here


Call for interns!

Do you want to help organising one of the biggest choral events in Europe? The EUROPA CANTAT XX team in Tallinn, Estonia is looking for interns! 
Place of internship:
Office of the Estonian Choral Association, Tallinn, Estonia
Duration of internship: minimum 6-8 weeks, preferably 3 to 6 months
Period: From early 2018 – or (especially for longer internships) from August 2017
Ideally interns should in addition come to Tallinn for two weeks from July 23rd to August 5th 2018 for the last days of preparation and the festival itself.

The Estonian Choral Association will not be able to cover travel expenses to and from Estonia or food and accommodation in Estonia, though may be able to pay some pocket money. For interns returning for the festival itself, it will be possible to cover the travel to and from Estonia within Europe as well as accommodation and meals for the two weeks during which the interns will join the team of international volunteers.

Possible tasks/skills needed: Depending on the length of the internship and their skills, interns will be able to learn how to prepare different aspects of a major international festival with several thousand participants in the fields of Communication and PR (digital and print), Logistics, Music Programme and contact with participants in different languages (mostly English, French, Spanish, German and Russian).

The knowledge of Estonian is not necessary.

If you are interested in an internship, please contact Kaie Tanner from the Estonian Choral Association at kaie.tanner@kooriyhing.ee with the following information/material:
– a short e-mail »letter of motivation« with information on the length of internship and the possible periods, previous experience in the field of cultural management, if valid, the personal connection to choral singing, your language skills and skills with computer programmes and the reason why you are interested in this internship – a short CV.

Newsletter #3

Our newsletter #3 is here with some very exciting news. Check it out here!

Haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet? You can do that here. We very highly recommend you to do that because some great announcements are coming soon! 

Meeting of the Music Commission in Tallinn

The members of the Music Commission of the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat held a meeting in Tallinn on February 15th to February 16th. They discussed about the musical matters of the ateliers for the upcoming festival and about the concerts. We hope to share some great news related to these topics soon! 

Newsletter #2

Our newsletter #2 came out! Check it out here!

Still haven’t subscribed to it yet? You can do it here. You really don’t want to miss the news, do you? 

We opened a new website!

Finally it is opened – the new website for EUROPA CANTAT XX in Tallinn! 
Here you can find some more information about Estonia and Tallinn, about the festival and its history and much more. Of course we are going to develop it further the closer it gets to the festival!

Do you like it? Have you got some questions about it? Don’t hesitate to ask – info@ectallinn2018.ee

ECA-EC Music Commission next meeting in Tallinn!

ECA-EC Music Commission in Tallinn, September 2016

The Music Commission of the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat will meet in Tallinn from February 15th to February 16th to discuss further the planning for the Music Programme of EUROPA CANTAT XX. 

We are very excited to have them in Tallinn and looking forward to have fruitful meetings and exciting discussions!